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God’s goal for us is to become more and more like Jesus, walking full of hope and freedom in an intimate relationship with Him. When that happens, our lives bear the fruit of a disciple – connected to the vine, being led by the Spirit, and living as an ambassador for His Kingdom in this world. God is glorified and lives are changed.

Growth is a journey that looks different for everyone, and never ends! We ALL always have a Next Step to take or an area He wants to work and move and grow in us – ALL OF US, FOREVER. This is a place where you can explore what we believe are the Essentials for Spiritual Growth. There are many resources to help you grow. Explore the links below to get started! We are also here to help if you ever feel stuck. One of our pastors or ministry leaders would love to meet with you and help you navigate where you are on the journey, and what might be your Next Steps. Complete the form below and we look forward to connecting with you.

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753