We believe in irrational generosity...
because you can't outgive God.
Need to make a change to your giving method or review your giving history?
We embrace irrational generosity. Sometimes God calls us to give, when it just doesn’t make sense! Sometimes we are asked to give when it hurts. While sacrifices are never comfortable, God has always been faithful and provided for every single need. In fact, there are many moments we would love to share of how He has provided beyond what we could ever have asked or imagined. We know He will demonstrate this is in your life just as He has in the life of NPC.
There are several ways to give at North Pointe Church and join God where He is at work here, across the street and around the world! With all of the digital giving options, it’s easier than ever to “automate the important” and keep all of your giving streamlined and easy.